This page lists freely accessible archives of serials (such as magazines, journals, newspapers, and other periodicals). Archives are listed according to these criteria.
To suggest additional books we should list, see this page.
Many more free online serials can be found at sites in our Serials archives and indexes listings.
1917: Journal of the International Bolshevik Tendency (partial serial archives)
AACAR Bulletin of the Association for the Advancement of Central Asian Research (partial serial archives)
The AAPS Journal (full serial archives)
Acta Chimica Slovenica (partial serial archives)
Acta Chromatographica (partial serial archives)
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica (partial serial archives)
Activity Report of the National Assembly, by Québec Assemblée Nationale (full serial archives)
Acts of the General Assembly, by Church of Scotland (partial serial archives)
Adventist Review (partial serial archives)
African Communist (partial serial archives)
African Studies Quarterly (full serial archives)
Alberta Hansard, by Alberta Legislative Assembly (partial serial archives)
The American Architect (partial serial archives)
The American Eagle (newspaper published in Murray, Utah) (partial serial archives)
American Jewish Year Book (full serial archives)
The American Missionary (partial serial archives)
The American Monastic Newsletter (partial serial archives)
The American Prospect (full serial archives)
American Renaissance (partial serial archives)
The American Whig Review (full serial archives)
The American Yacht List (partial serial archives)
America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, by Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics (partial serial archives)
Analytical Sciences (full serial archives)
ANC Today, by African National Congress (full serial archives)
Anglican Episcopal World, by Anglican Consultative Council (partial serial archives)
Anglican Journal, by Anglican Church of Canada (partial serial archives)
Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials (full serial archives)
Annals of General Hospital Psychiatry (full serial archives)
Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College, by Harvard University (partial serial archives)
Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory of the Smithsonian Institution, by Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (partial serial archives)
The Annual of Urdu Studies (full serial archives)
The Annual Register (partial serial archives)
Annual Report, by Queensland Parliament Legislative Assembly (partial serial archives)
Annual Report, by Trinitarian Bible Society (London, England) (partial serial archives)
Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, by Smithsonian Institution (partial serial archives)
Annual Report of the Select Committee of the Society for Propagating the Gospel Among the Indians and Others in North America, by Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and Others in North America (partial serial archives)
Annual Report to the Congress, by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment (partial serial archives)
Ansible (science fiction newsletter, 1979-present), ed. by Dave Langford (full serial archives)
The Anti-Slavery Examiner (full serial archives)
Antic: The Atari Resource (full serial archives)
Antithesis: A Review of Reformed/Presbyterian Thought and Action (partial serial archives)
APC News, by Associated Presbyterian Churches (partial serial archives)
Appletons' Journal (full serial archives)
Archaeologia Scotica: Transactions of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, by Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (full serial archives)
Archives of Maryland (partial serial archives)
The Argus (Bloomington, IL: Illinois Wesleyan University, 1894-present) (partial serial archives)
Ariadne (full serial archives)
ARKIVOC (full serial archives)
ARP Magazine, by Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (1935- ) (partial serial archives)
Ascent Aspirations Magazine (electronic issues, and information on print issues) (partial serial archives)
The Atlantic Monthly (partial serial archives)
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (full serial archives)
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions (full serial archives)
Attacks on the Press, by Committee to Protect Journalists (partial serial archives)
The Audio Critic (partial serial archives)
The Auk (Washington: American Ornithologists' Union, 1884-) (partial serial archives)
Australian Marxist Review, by Communist Pary of Australia (partial serial archives)
Azure: Ideas for the Jewish Nation (1996-) (full serial archives)
Bad Subjects (full serial archives)
The Banner, by Christian Reformed Church (partial serial archives)
Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth (partial serial archives)
The Bay State Monthly (full serial archives)
Beacon Lights (partial serial archives)
Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry (full serial archives)
The Belfast Gazette (partial serial archives)
The Best of Technology Writing (annual collection, started in 2006) (full serial archives)
Bethel Magazine, by Bethel College (Mishawaka, Ind.) (partial serial archives)
Biblical Chronology (partial serial archives)
Biblical Economics Today, contrib. by Gary North (partial serial archives)
Biblical Ethics, by Greg L. Bahnsen (partial serial archives)
Biblical Worldview (partial serial archives)
Biomedical Digital Libraries (full serial archives)
BioMedical Engineering Online (full serial archives)
Blackbird: An Online Journal of Literature and the Arts (full serial archives)
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (partial serial archives)
Blast (1914-1915; only ran two issues), ed. by Wyndham Lewis (full serial archives)
Blithe House Quarterly (full serial archives)
The Blue Review (full serial archives)
BMC Anesthesiology (full serial archives)
BMC Biochemistry (full serial archives)
BMC Bioinformatics (full serial archives)
BMC Biotechnology (full serial archives)
BMC Blood Disorders (full serial archives)
BMC Cancer (full serial archives)
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders (full serial archives)
BMC Cell Biology (full serial archives)
BMC Chemical Biology (full serial archives)
BMC Clinical Pathology (full serial archives)
BMC Clinical Pharmacology (full serial archives)
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (full serial archives)
BMC Dermatology (full serial archives)
BMC Developmental Biology (full serial archives)
BMC Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders (full serial archives)
BMC Ecology (full serial archives)
BMC Emergency Medicine (full serial archives)
BMC Endocrine Disorders (full serial archives)
BMC Evolutionary Biology (full serial archives)
BMC Family Practice (full serial archives)
BMC Gastroenterology (full serial archives)
BMC Genetics (full serial archives)
BMC Genomics (full serial archives)
BMC Geriatrics (full serial archives)
BMC Health Services Research (full serial archives)
BMC Immunology (full serial archives)
BMC Infectious Diseases (full serial archives)
BMC International Health and Human Rights (full serial archives)
BMC Medical Education (full serial archives)
BMC Medical Ethics (full serial archives)
BMC Medical Genetics (full serial archives)
BMC Medical Imaging (full serial archives)
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making (full serial archives)
BMC Medical Research Methodology (full serial archives)
BMC Microbiology (full serial archives)
BMC Molecular Biology (full serial archives)
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (full serial archives)
BMC Nephrology (full serial archives)
BMC Neurology (full serial archives)
BMC Neuroscience (full serial archives)
BMC Nuclear Medicine (full serial archives)
BMC Nursing (full serial archives)
BMC Ophthalmology (full serial archives)
BMC Oral Health (full serial archives)
BMC Palliative Care (full serial archives)
BMC Pediatrics (full serial archives)
BMC Pharmacology (full serial archives)
BMC Physiology (full serial archives)
BMC Plant Biology (full serial archives)
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (full serial archives)
BMC Psychiatry (full serial archives)
BMC Public Health (full serial archives)
BMC Pulmonary Medicine (full serial archives)
BMC Structural Biology (full serial archives)
BMC Surgery (full serial archives)
BMC Urology (full serial archives)
B'Nai B'rith Magazine (partial serial archives)
Boatman's Quarterly Review, by Grand Canyon River Guides (partial serial archives)
Borderlands: A Journal of Theology and Education (partial serial archives)
Boxoffice (partial serial archives)
Braille Book Review (partial serial archives)
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology (partial serial archives)
Brazilian Dental Journal (partial serial archives)
Brazilian Journal of Biology (partial serial archives)
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering (partial serial archives)
The Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases (partial serial archives)
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (partial serial archives)
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology (partial serial archives)
Brazilian Journal of Physics (partial serial archives)
Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology (partial serial archives)
The Brethren Evangelist (partial serial archives)
The Bridge (electronic edition), by Messiah College (partial serial archives)
The British Journal of Nursing, Incorporating the Nursing Record (full serial archives)
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (partial serial archives)
The Builder (architecture journal, 19th and 20th centuries) (partial serial archives)
The Builder (Masonic journal, 1915-1930) (full serial archives)
Bulletin of the American Home Economics Association, by American Home Economics Association (partial serial archives)
Bulletin of the Brookville Society of Natural History, by Brookville Society of Natural History (full serial archives)
Bulletin of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Data Engineering (full serial archives)
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society (full serial archives)
Burning Bush (partial serial archives)
CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians (partial serial archives)
California Chronicle: News From the California Historical Society, by California Historical Society (partial serial archives)
The Calvin Spark, by Calvin Alumni Association (partial serial archives)
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum (partial serial archives)
Campus Times, by University of La Verne (partial serial archives)
Canadian Minerals Yearbook, by Natural Resources Canada (partial serial archives)
The Canadian Parliamentary Companion, ed. by Henry James Morgan, Charles Herbert Mackintosh, and John Alexander Gemmill (partial serial archives)
Canterbury Talks, by Canterbury College (partial serial archives)
Carbon County News (newspaper published in Price, Utah) (partial serial archives)
Caribbean Journal of Science (full serial archives)
Case Reports of the Mormon Alliance (partial serial archives)
Catalog of Copyright Entries, by United States Copyright Office (partial serial archives)
Catalyst, by Catholic League for Religous and Civil Rights (U.S.) (partial serial archives)
The Catholic Agitator (partial serial archives)
Catholic World (partial serial archives)
The Cato Journal (partial serial archives)
The Century Magazine (partial serial archives)
Ceramics-Silikáty (partial serial archives)
Challenge, by Progressive Labor Party (partial serial archives)
The Charette (partial serial archives)
Cheap Truth (SF newsletter from the mid-1980s), ed. by Bruce Sterling (full serial archives)
Checkpoint (UK-based science fiction newsletter of the 1970s), ed. by Peter Roberts (full serial archives)
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly (full serial archives)
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (partial serial archives)
Chemistry Education Research and Pracice (partial serial archives)
Child Development (partial serial archives)
The Child: Monthly News Summary (1936-1953) (full serial archives)
The Christian Challenge (partial serial archives)
Christian Monthly, by Apostolic Lutheran Church of America (partial serial archives)
Christian Reconstruction, contrib. by Gary North (partial serial archives)
The Christian Remembrancer (partial serial archives)
The Chronicles of Oklahoma (partial serial archives)
Church and State (partial serial archives)
Cites and Insights: Crawford at Large, by Walt Crawford (full serial archives)
The Citizen (Scottish socialist paper) (partial serial archives)
City Journal (1995-present) (partial serial archives)
Class Struggle (New Zealand publication) (partial serial archives)
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture (online journal, with supplementary resources) (full serial archives)
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal (partial serial archives)
Co-Operation (partial serial archives)
Collections of the Minnesota Historical Society, by Minnesota Historical Society (partial serial archives)
Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, by State Historical Society of Wisconsin (partial serial archives)
College and Research Libraries (open access from 1997 onward, for issues older than 6 months) (partial serial archives)
The Colophon (partial serial archives)
Communism, by International Communist Group (partial serial archives)
Communist Voice (partial serial archives)
Compass, A Jesuit Journal (partial serial archives)
Compute! (partial serial archives)
Compute II: The Single Board Compute (1980) (full serial archives)
The Condition of Education, by National Center for Education Statistics (partial serial archives)
The Condor (partial serial archives)
Congressional Globe, by United States Congress (full serial archives)
Congressional Record, by United States Congress (partial serial archives)
The Continental Monthly (partial serial archives)
Contra Mundum: A Reformed Cultural Review (full serial archives)
The Corinne Reporter (newspaper published in Price, Utah, 1871-1873) (full serial archives)
Cowley (partial serial archives)
Creative Computing, ed. by David H. Ahl (partial serial archives)
Credenda/Agenda, by Community Evangelical Fellowship (partial serial archives)
The Crisis (African American magazine) (partial serial archives)
Crisis (lay Catholic magazine) (partial serial archives)
Critical Studies in Improvisation (full serial archives)
Croatica Chemica Acta (partial serial archives)
Crossings, by Church Divinity School of the Pacific (partial serial archives)
Cultural Resource Management (full serial archives)
CultureWork: A Periodic Broadside for Arts and Culture Workers (full serial archives)
Current Science (partial serial archives)
Curtis's Botanical Magazine (partial serial archives)
D-Lib Magazine (full serial archives)
Dana: An Irish Magazine of Independent Thought (1904-1905) (full serial archives)
Davis County Clipper (partial serial archives)
Debates (Hansard), by Nunavut Legislative Assembly (full serial archives)
Debates (Hansard), by Canada House of Commons (partial serial archives)
Debates (Hansard), by Ontario Legislative Assembly (partial serial archives)
Debates and Proceedings (Hansard), by Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly (partial serial archives)
The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States, by United States Congress (full serial archives)
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard), by British Columbia Legislative Assembly (partial serial archives)
Debates of the Senate of Canada (Hansard), by Canada Senate (partial serial archives)
Debow's Review (partial serial archives)
Democratic Left (site has issues 2000-2007), by Democratic Socialists of America (partial serial archives)
Department of the Army Historical Summary, by Center of Military History (partial serial archives)
Direct Action, by Solidarity Federation (partial serial archives)
Dispensationalism in Transition (partial serial archives)
Dissociation (partial serial archives)
The Dolphin: A Journal of the Making of Books (full serial archives)
DTIC Digest, by Defense Technical Information Center (U.S.) (partial serial archives)
Dumbarton Oaks Papers (partial serial archives)
E-JASL: The Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship (full serial archives)
The E-Newsletter of Solidarity, Sustainability, and Non-Violence, ed. by Luis T. Gutierrez (full serial archives)
The Early America Review (full serial archives)
Eastern Utah Telegraph (partial serial archives)
Ecopsychology On-Line (full serial archives)
The Edinburgh Gazette (partial serial archives)
Electronic Green Journal (full serial archives)
Electronic Journal of Boundary Elements (full serial archives)
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
Electronic Journal of Sociology (full serial archives)
Electronic Poetry Review (full serial archives)
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (full serial archives)
Emancipation and Liberation (partial serial archives)
Emerging Infectious Diseases (full serial archives)
Emery County Progress (partial serial archives)
Energumen (science fiction fanzine, 1970-1981), ed. by Mike Glicksohn and Susan Wood (full serial archives)
Environmental Health Perspectives (partial serial archives)
Episcopal Life (partial serial archives)
Episcopal Teacher (partial serial archives)
The Equinox (partial serial archives)
Equip for Ministry (partial serial archives)
The Eureka Reporter (partial serial archives)
The European Journal of Comparative Economics (full serial archives)
The Evaluation Exchange (partial serial archives)
The Evangel, by American Association of Lutheran Churches (partial serial archives)
Evangelical Visitor, by Brethren in Christ Church (partial serial archives)
The Evening and the Morning Star (full serial archives)
Executive Journal of the Northwest Territory (1788-1803) (full serial archives)
Eye Weekly (partial serial archives)
Fast Company (full serial archives)
Feminista! The Journal of Feminist Construction (partial serial archives)
Fight Back! New and Views From the People's Struggle (Minneapolis, 1998-) (partial serial archives)
Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!, by Revolutionary Communist Group (Great Britain) (partial serial archives)
First Monday (full serial archives)
First Things (partial serial archives)
Florida Historical Quarterly (partial serial archives)
For the Life of the World, by Concordia Theological Seminary (full serial archives)
Foreign Relations of the United States, by United States Department of State (full serial archives)
The Forerunner, ed. by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (partial serial archives)
Forward Now! (partial serial archives)
Founders Journal (full serial archives)
Free Church Witness (with the Explorer), by Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) (partial serial archives)
The Free Lance (newspaper published in Marysvale, Utah, 1902-1904; With other Piute County papers) (partial serial archives)
Free Speech (online issues 1995-2002), ed. by Kevin Alfred Strom (partial serial archives)
Freedom Socialist (partial serial archives)
Freedom's Journal (1827-1829) (full serial archives)
The Galaxy (19th-century magazine) (full serial archives)
Garden and Forest (1888-1897) (full serial archives)
Genetics and Molecular Biology (partial serial archives)
The Gentleman's Magazine (partial serial archives)
Geo. P. Rowell and Co.'s American Newspaper Directory (partial serial archives)
Geometry and Topology (full serial archives)
The Germ (full serial archives)
Girl Genius, by Phil Foglio and Kaja Foglio (partial serial archives)
Global Employment Trends (annual report series, 2003-present, with additional special reports) (partial serial archives)
Goshen College Bulletin, by Goshen College (partial serial archives)
The Gospel Magazine (partial serial archives)
The Grand Valley Times-Independent (newspaper published in Moab, Utah) (partial serial archives)
Green Pages (US Green party publication) (partial serial archives)
GreenWeek, by Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand (partial serial archives)
The Guardian, by Communist Party of Australia (partial serial archives)
Guelph Ichthyology Reviews (full serial archives)
Handbook of Latin American Studies, by Library of Congress (full serial archives)
Hansard, by Yukon Legislative Assembly (partial serial archives)
Hansard, by Prince Edward Island Legislative Assembly (partial serial archives)
Hansard (Australian Capital Territory -- Politics and government), by Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly (partial serial archives)
Hansard, by Nova Scotia House of Assembly (partial serial archives)
Hansard, by Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly (partial serial archives)
Hansard, by Western Australia Parliament (partial serial archives)
Hansard, by Manitoba Legislative Assembly (partial serial archives)
Hansard, by Newfoundland and Labrador House of Assembly (partial serial archives)
Hansard, by South Australia Parliament (partial serial archives)
Hansard (Transcript of Debates), by Queensland Parliament Legislative Assembly (partial serial archives)
Harper's Magazine (partial serial archives)
Heritage Headlines, by Schwenkfelder Library (partial serial archives)
The Heritage Journal (partial serial archives)
Hi-Res (full serial archives)
High Energy Physics Libraries Webzine (full serial archives)
Hinduism Today (full serial archives)
The Hobgoblin (partial serial archives)
The Home Economist (full serial archives)
House & Garden (partial serial archives)
Human Rights Network News, by Montana Human Rights Network (partial serial archives)
In Context (full serial archives)
Indian Affairs Annual Reports (1864-1990), by Canada Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (full serial archives)
Industrial Worker (partial serial archives)
Information for Social Change (partial serial archives)
Information Research (full serial archives)
The Insider (partial serial archives)
Intelligence Report (published by the Southern Poverty Law Center) (partial serial archives)
The Intercollegiate Review (full serial archives)
International Journal of Digital Curation (full serial archives)
International Journal of Molecular Medicine (partial serial archives)
The International Monthly Magazine of Literature, Art, and Science (full serial archives)
International Review, by International Communist Current (partial serial archives)
International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (full serial archives)
International Review of the Red Cross (partial serial archives)
International Socialism (London; 1990s and early 2000s) (partial serial archives)
International Socialist Review (partial serial archives)
International Viewpoint (partial serial archives)
Internationalism, by International Communist Current (partial serial archives)
Internationalist Communist (partial serial archives)
Internationalist Notes (partial serial archives)
Issues in Science and Technology (partial serial archives)
Jack Magazine (full serial archives)
Janus Head (full serial archives)
JCPA Agenda for Public Affairs, by Jewish Council for Public Affairs (partial serial archives)
JEP: The Journal of Electronic Publishing (full serial archives)
Jewish Studies: An Internet Journal (articles in English or Hebrew; summaries in English) (full serial archives)
Joint Program Plan for Jewish Community Relations, by National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Board (partial serial archives)
JOUHS: Journal of the Oxford University History Society (partial serial archives)
Journal of Abnormal Psychology (partial serial archives)
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (full serial archives)
Journal of Arts and Ideas (partial serial archives)
Journal of Automated Methods and Management in Chemistry (full serial archives)
Journal of Cave and Karst Studies (partial serial archives)
Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan (full serial archives)
Journal of Clinical Investigation (full serial archives)
Journal of Digital Information (full serial archives)
Journal of Discourses (26 volumes, 1854-1886), contrib. by Brigham Young, George D. Wadd, J. V. Long, and John Taylor (full serial archives)
The Journal of Economic Education (partial serial archives)
Journal of Field Ornithology (partial serial archives)
Journal of Hebrew Scriptures (full serial archives)
The Journal of Historical Review (partial serial archives)
Journal of International Cooperation in Education (partial serial archives)
The Journal of International Security Affairs (partial serial archives)
Journal of Machine Learning Research (full serial archives)
The Journal of Negro History (partial serial archives)
Journal of Neurotherapy (partial serial archives)
The Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy (partial serial archives)
Journal of Supreme Court History, by Supreme Court Historical Society (partial serial archives)
Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (partial serial archives)
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (partial serial archives)
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (partial serial archives)
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences (partial serial archives)
The Journal of the Church of England (Continuing) (partial serial archives)
Journal of the House of Commons, by Great Britain Parliament House of Commons (partial serial archives)
Journal of the House of Lords, by Great Britain Parliament House of Lords (partial serial archives)
Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, by United States House of Representatives (partial serial archives)
Journal of the Medical Library Association (partial serial archives)
Journal of the Senate of the United States of America, by United States Senate (partial serial archives)
Journal of the United States Association of Charcoal Iron Workers (1880-1891), by United States Association of Charcoal Iron Workers (full serial archives)
Journal of Theology, by Church of the Lutheran Confession (partial serial archives)
The Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins (full serial archives)
Journals of the House of Representatives, by New Zealand Parliament (partial serial archives)
Journals of the Legislative Assembly, by Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly (partial serial archives)
Journals of the Legislative Assembly (with other house business publications), by New Brunswick Legislative Assembly (partial serial archives)
Jouvert: A Journal of Postcolonial Studies (full serial archives)
Kane County Standard (1929-1950, with some Kane County Independent issues from 1912) (partial serial archives)
Kerux (Calvin Theological Seminary student publication) (partial serial archives)
KIT Newsletter (with supplementary materials) (partial serial archives)
Knightfile, by Calvin College (partial serial archives)
La Petite Zine (full serial archives)
Labor Party Press (1996-2001), by Labor Party (U.S.) (partial serial archives)
The Ladies' Repository (full serial archives)
Latin American Applied Research (partial serial archives)
The Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate (full serial archives)
Learned Publishing (partial serial archives)
Leben: A Journal of Reformed Life (partial serial archives)
Left Turn (partial serial archives)
Liberation, by Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (partial serial archives)
Library Philosophy and Practice (full serial archives)
Lippincott's Magazine (partial serial archives)
Littell's Living Age (partial serial archives)
Logical Methods in Computer Science (full serial archives)
Logos: A Journal of Modern Society and Culture (2002-) (partial serial archives)
The London Gazette (partial serial archives)
The London Magazine (partial serial archives)
LTBS: Let the Bible Speak (partial serial archives)
Lutheran Sentinel (partial serial archives)
The Lutheran Spokesman, by Church of the Lutheran Confession (partial serial archives)
Lutheran Synod Quarterly (partial serial archives)
The Lutheran Witness (partial serial archives)
Manchester Magazine (with other alumni publications), by Manchester College (North Manchester, Ind.) (partial serial archives)
The Manti Messenger (partial serial archives)
The Manufacturer and Builder (partial serial archives)
The Master's Trumpet, by Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) North American Presbytery (partial serial archives)
Mayibuye, by African National Congress (partial serial archives)
McPherson College Review, by McPherson College (partial serial archives)
Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India (partial serial archives)
The Mennonite (partial serial archives)
Mennonite Historical Bulletin (some full issues, some partial) (partial serial archives)
Mennonite Life (partial serial archives)
The Messenger, by Free Reformed Churches of North America (partial serial archives)
Middle East Quarterly (partial serial archives)
The Militant (Socialist Workers Party paper; online 1995-present) (partial serial archives)
Military Parade (partial serial archives)
The Millard County Chronicle (partial serial archives)
The Millard County Progress (partial serial archives)
MIM Notes, by Maoist Internationalist Movement (partial serial archives)
The Minnesota Daily (1900-present) (full serial archives)
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction (partial serial archives)
Mission Bulletin, by Reformed Ecumenical Council (partial serial archives)
The Missionary Messenger, by Cumberland Presbyterian Church (partial serial archives)
The Missioner, by Nashotah House (Nashotah, Wis.) (partial serial archives)
Molecular Vision (full serial archives)
The Monthly Record, by Free Church of Scotland (partial serial archives)
Moon Miner's Manifesto (partial serial archives)
Mosaic, by Calvin College (partial serial archives)
Mother Jones (partial serial archives)
Mount Rainier National Park Nature Notes (partial serial archives)
The Mountain Path (partial serial archives)
MQ News, by Minnesota Quilters (partial serial archives)
MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research (full serial archives)
The Murray Eagle (newspaper published in Murray City, Utah) (partial serial archives)
Museum Notes, by Newfoundland Museum (partial serial archives)
NATO Review (partial serial archives)
Nature (partial serial archives)
Nature Notes from Crater Lake (full serial archives)
The New Age (partial serial archives)
The New Colophon (partial serial archives)
New Directions (Forward in Faith periodical) (full serial archives)
The New England Magazine (1831-1835) (partial serial archives)
The New England Magazine (1886-) (partial serial archives)
The New Englander (partial serial archives)
New Journal of Physics (full serial archives)
The New Path (full serial archives)
New Socialist (Canadian magazine) (partial serial archives)
New Statesman (issues 1998 to present) (partial serial archives)
The New York Times (partial serial archives)
The News-Advocate (newspaper published in Price, Utah) (partial serial archives)
News and Letters (partial serial archives)
News Line, by Workers Revolutionary Party (partial serial archives)
NeXTWORLD (full serial archives)
NIDA Notes, by National Institute on Drug Abuse (partial serial archives)
North American Bird Bander (1976-) (partial serial archives)
The North American Review (partial serial archives)
The Northeastern Anarchist (partial serial archives)
Northstar Compass (partial serial archives)
Notes and Queries (partial serial archives)
N.W. Ayer and Son's American Newspaper Annual and Directory (partial serial archives)
The Occident, and American Jewish Advocate (partial serial archives)
The Occidental Quarterly (partial serial archives)
Official Indoor Base Ball Guide (partial serial archives)
Official Report (Hansard), by Northern Ireland Assembly (partial serial archives)
Official Report of the Olympic Games (slight variations in titles over the years; not all listed reports available) (partial serial archives)
The Ogden Standard (and other newspapers from late 19th-century Ogden, UT) (partial serial archives)
The Old Guard (partial serial archives)
On Target, by Australian League of Rights (partial serial archives)
Open, by Associated Parishes for Liturgy and Mission (partial serial archives)
Optics Express (full serial archives)
Oral Tradition (full serial archives)
The Orange Banner (partial serial archives)
Ordained Servant (partial serial archives)
Organise! (partial serial archives)
The Original American Lloyd's Register of American and Foreign Shipping (partial serial archives)
The Overland Monthly (partial serial archives)
The Owl (1919-1923; only ran three issues), ed. by Robert Graves (full serial archives)
The Parent Connection, by Calvin College (partial serial archives)
The Park Record (partial serial archives)
Parliament of Victoria Hansard, by Victoria Parliament (partial serial archives)
Parliamentary Bulletin, by African National Congress (partial serial archives)
Parliamentary Debates (1919-present; in Gaelic and English), by Ireland (full serial archives)
Parliamentary Proceedings, by Québec Assemblée Nationale (partial serial archives)
Parliamentary Record (with other legislative materials), by Northern Territory Legislative Assembly (partial serial archives)
Parowan Times (newspaper published in Parowan, Utah) (partial serial archives)
The Partisan, by Peace and Freedom Party (U.S.) (partial serial archives)
Peace and Conflict Studies (partial serial archives)
The People (online issues 1999-present), by Socialist Labor Party (partial serial archives)
People's Daily (Beijing newspaper, English-language online edition) (partial serial archives)
People's Democracy, by Communist Party of India (Marxist) (partial serial archives)
People's Voice, by Communist Party of Canada (partial serial archives)
People's Weekly World (partial serial archives)
Permanent Revolution, by Workers Power Group (London, England) (partial serial archives)
Perspective, by Institute for Christian Studies (partial serial archives)
Perspectives (online edition), by American Historical Association (partial serial archives)
The Philadelphia Inquirer (partial serial archives)
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, by Royal Society (Great Britain) (partial serial archives)
Philosophy of Education Yearbook, by Philosophy of Education Society (U.S.) (partial serial archives)
An Phoblacht (partial serial archives)
The Piute Chieftain (newspaper published in Marysvale, Utah, 1916-1919; With other Piute County papers) (partial serial archives)
Piute County News (newspaper published in Utah, 1924-1949; With other Piute County papers) (partial serial archives)
PLoS Biology (full serial archives)
PLoS Medicine (full serial archives)
Policy Review (partial serial archives)
Political Affairs (2002-present) (partial serial archives)
PRAccess, by Political Research Associates (partial serial archives)
Presbyterian and Reformed News (partial serial archives)
Presbyterian Banner, by Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australia (partial serial archives)
The Presbyterian Witness, by Calvary Reformed Presbyterian Church (partial serial archives)
President's Report, by Calvin College (partial serial archives)
Press Freedom Survey, by Freedom House (full serial archives)
The Princeton Review (partial serial archives)
Principal Acts of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, by Free Church of Scotland (partial serial archives)
Privacy and Human Rights, by Privacy International and Electronic Privacy Information Center (full serial archives)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, by National Academy of Sciences (partial serial archives)
Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, by Oklahoma Academy of Science (partial serial archives)
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, by Royal Society (Great Britain) (partial serial archives)
Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, by Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (partial serial archives)
Profile, by United States Dept. of Defense High School News Service (partial serial archives)
Progressive Calvinism (partial serial archives)
Project Blue Book (selected declassified microfilm reels, with supplementary material), by United States (partial serial archives)
Protestant Reformed Theological Journal (partial serial archives)
The Public-Access Computer Systems Review (1989-1998) (full serial archives)
The Public Eye (partial serial archives)
Public Health GIS News and Information
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States (partial serial archives)
Publications of the Allegheny Observatory of the University of Pittsburgh, by Allegheny Observatory (full serial archives)
Punch (partial serial archives)
Punchinello (full serial archives)
Putnam's Magazine (partial serial archives)
The Quaker Economist (full serial archives)
Quarterly Record, by Trinitarian Bible Society (London, England) (partial serial archives)
Quiet Mountain Essays (full serial archives)
RAIL Notes (and other Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist League publications) (partial serial archives)
Rally, Comrades! (partial serial archives)
Reason (full serial archives)
REC Focus, by Reformed Ecumenical Council (full serial archives)
Record of American and Foreign Shipping (partial serial archives)
Red and Black Revolution: A Magazine of Libertarian Communism (partial serial archives)
Red Herring (full serial archives)
Reformation 21, by Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals (full serial archives)
Reformed Herald, by Reformed Church in the United States (partial serial archives)
Reformed Quarterly, by Reformed Theological Seminary (Jackson, Miss.) (partial serial archives)
Reformed Worship (full serial archives)
Reformed Youth Arena, by Reformed Ecumenical Council (full serial archives)
Register of Debates in Congress, by United States Congress (full serial archives)
Release 1.0, ed. by Esther Dyson (full serial archives)
Report of Proceedings, by Church of England General Synod (partial serial archives)
Report on Anti-Catholicism (annual report, 1994-present), by Catholic League for Religous and Civil Rights (U.S.) (full serial archives)
Reporter (online edition of Lutheran Missouri Synod paper; articles disaggregated) (partial serial archives)
Reports to the General Assembly, by United Free Church of Scotland (partial serial archives)
Resistance: Anarchist Bulletin (1998-) (full serial archives)
Resource Library Magazine: America's Magazine for Representational Art (full serial archives)
Resurrection: The Bulletin of the Computer Conservation Society (full serial archives)
Reviews in History (full serial archives)
The Revivalist (partial serial archives)
Revolution, by Revolutionary Communist Party, USA (partial serial archives)
Revolutionary Perspectives (partial serial archives)
Revolutionary Transit Worker (partial serial archives)
Rhythm (full serial archives)
The Richfield Reaper (partial serial archives)
Rising Tide, by Republican National Committee (U.S.) (partial serial archives)
Romanticism on the Net (full serial archives)
The Royal Cross, by Order of the Daughters of the King (partial serial archives)
Salon Magazine (partial serial archives)
The Salt Lake Mining Review (1899-1929) (partial serial archives)
The Salt Lake Tribune (partial serial archives)
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco Examiner (partial serial archives)
The San Juan Record (partial serial archives)
Saoirse: Irish Freedom (partial serial archives)
The Schwenkfeldian (partial serial archives)
Science Fiction Five-Yearly (full serial archives)
Science Fiction Studies (partial serial archives)
Scientific American (partial serial archives)
Scientific American Supplement (partial serial archives)
Scottish Socialist Voice (partial serial archives)
Scribner's (partial serial archives)
Security Affairs (1980-2000), by Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (partial serial archives)
Seek, by Brethren in Christ Church (partial serial archives)
Shalom! A Journal for the Practice of Reconciliation, by Brethren in Christ Church (partial serial archives)
The Shopsteward (partial serial archives)
The Simon Wiesenthal Center Annual, by Simon Wiesenthal Center (full serial archives)
The Skyrack Newsletter (with annotations), ed. by Rom Bennett (full serial archives)
Slate (full serial archives)
Slow (partial serial archives)
Social Scientist (partial serial archives)
Socialism and Liberation (partial serial archives)
Socialism Today (partial serial archives)
The Socialist (Ireland Socialist party publication) (partial serial archives)
Socialist Action (San Francisco; online from 1998-present) (partial serial archives)
Socialist Alternative (Australian magazine) (partial serial archives)
Socialist Campaign Group News, by Socialist Campaign Group (partial serial archives)
Socialist Democracy, by Democratic Socialist Movement (Nigeria) (partial serial archives)
The Socialist: Magazine of the Socialist Party USA (online issues 2006-2007) (partial serial archives)
Socialist Outlook (full serial archives)
The Socialist Register (partial serial archives)
Socialist Resistance (London, 2002-) (partial serial archives)
Socialist Review (partial serial archives)
Socialist Standard (partial serial archives)
Socialist Viewpoint (San Francisco; 2001-) (full serial archives)
Socialist Voice (Ireland Communist party publication) (partial serial archives)
Socialist Worker, by Socialist Workers' Party (Ireland) (partial serial archives)
Socialist Worker, by International Socialist Organization (U.S.) (partial serial archives)
Socialist Worker, by Socialist Workers Party (Great Britain) (partial serial archives)
Sojourners (partial serial archives)
South African Human Rights Yearbook (partial serial archives)
Southern Literary Messenger (partial serial archives)
The Southern Quarterly Review (full serial archives)
The Southern Utonian (newspaper published in Beaver, Utah) (partial serial archives)
Southwestern Historical Quarterly (partial serial archives)
Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide (partial serial archives)
The Spark (Baltimore-based Communist newspaper) (partial serial archives)
The Spark (New Zealand-based labor newspaper), by Revolutionary Workers League (partial serial archives)
Sparks (partial serial archives)
Specifications, Tolerances, and Other Technical Requirements for Weighing and Measuring Devices, by National Institute of Standards and Technology (partial serial archives)
ST-Log (partial serial archives)
St. Nicholas (partial serial archives)
The Standard Bearer (Reformed Free Publishing Association magazine) (partial serial archives)
The Starry Plough (An Camchéachta) (partial serial archives)
Stars and Stripes (partial serial archives)
STart (full serial archives)
Statistical Abstract Relating to British India (partial serial archives)
Stedfast (partial serial archives)
Strange Horizons (partial serial archives)
Stromata (Calvin Theological Seminary student scholarship publication) (partial serial archives)
Studies in American Humor (partial serial archives)
Studies in Bibliography (partial serial archives)
Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations (2005-) (full serial archives)
Studies in Intelligence (unclassified version) (partial serial archives)
Talking Book Topics (with additional materials) (partial serial archives)
Tandy Computer Whiz Kids (partial serial archives)
Te Deum (with other TLS publications), by Trinity Lutheran Seminary (Columbus, Ohio) (partial serial archives)
TESL-EJ: Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language (full serial archives)
Theological Forum, by Reformed Ecumenical Council (partial serial archives)
Theory of Computing (full serial archives)
The Theosophist (partial serial archives)
Time (partial serial archives)
Times and Seasons (partial serial archives)
Tooele County Chronicle (partial serial archives)
Trinity Seminary Review (with other TLS publications) (partial serial archives)
Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania Minutes, by University of Pennsylvania (partial serial archives)
TUGBoat: The Communications of the TeX Users Group (partial serial archives)
The Tyro (1921-1922; only ran two issues), ed. by Wyndham Lewis (full serial archives)
Ukrainica Biooganica Acta (full serial archives)
UL voice, by University of La Verne (partial serial archives)
Umrabulo, by African National Congress (partial serial archives)
Union Vedette (first daily newspaper in Utah Territory) (partial serial archives)
The United States Magazine and Democratic Review (partial serial archives)
Upping the Anti (Canadian journal published by Autonomy and Solidarity Network, 2005-) (partial serial archives)
UU Sangha, by Unitarian Universalist Buddhist Fellowship (partial serial archives)
Valley Tan (second newspaper in Utah Territory) (partial serial archives)
Vanity Fair (humor weekly of the 1860s) (partial serial archives)
Vernal Express (partial serial archives)
Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000: Trafficking in Persons Report, by United States Department of State (full serial archives)
The Virginia Seminary Journal (with other VTS publications) (partial serial archives)
Voice of Integrity, by Integrity, Inc. (partial serial archives)
Votes and Proceedings, by Queensland Parliament Legislative Assembly (partial serial archives)
The Waiting List: The Newsletter of the Grand Canyon Private Boaters Association, by Grand Canyon Private Boaters Association (partial serial archives)
The Wasatch Wave (partial serial archives)
Washington County News (newspaper published in Saint George, Utah) (partial serial archives)
Weekly Worker, by Communist Party of Great Britain (partial serial archives)
West Virginia History (partial serial archives)
The Wilson Bulletin (partial serial archives)
The Wire, by Amnesty International (full serial archives)
Wired (full serial archives)
Wisconsin Blue Book, ed. by Wisconsin. Legislature. Legislative Reference Bureau (partial serial archives)
The Woman Rebel (all 7 issues of this 1914 paper, with supplementary materials and commentary), ed. by Margaret Sanger (full serial archives)
The Woman's Exponent (partial serial archives)
Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal (1997-) (full serial archives)
The Worker: Organ of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), by Nepala Kamyunishta Parti (Maovadi) (partial serial archives)
Workers Power, by Workers Power Group (London, England) (partial serial archives)
Workers Solidarity (partial serial archives)
Workers Solidarity (partial serial archives)
Workers Vanguard (partial serial archives)
Worker's World (partial serial archives)
World Employment Report (serial issued every 2-3 years from 1996 onward) (partial serial archives)
The World Factbook, by United States Central Intelligence Agency (partial serial archives)
World Revolution, by International Communist Current (partial serial archives)
The WSFA Journal (partial serial archives)
Yosemite (partial serial archives)
The Yukon Gazette, by Yukon (partial serial archives)
Zabalaza: A Journal of Southern African Revolutionary Anarchism (full serial archives)