Links to related online resources are listed below. Non-digitized publications may be borrowed from the NCSC Library; call numbers are provided. | ||||
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NCSC Publications and Resources NCSC Documents Recent NCSC reports and publications including Trends articles, Court Executive Development Programs papers, Court Technology Conference Presentations, and Justice System Journal articles. Digital Archives Works on judicial administration accumulated since NCSC's inception in 1971 that have been digitized to preserve their historic value. Statewide Child Protection Expert Assistance The National Center for State Courts (NCSC), with support from The Pew Charitable Trusts, is pleased to announce the availability of statewide child protection expert assistance services. Continuing Upward from the Summit E-Newsletter from the National Summit on Children held in March 2007. Family Resource Center Additional CourTopics modules related to this topic. Topic-Related Resource Guides: Dependency Court Improvement | ||||
Permanency Planning for Children Department. National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. The PPCS Web site explains the history of the NCJFCJ's program, reveals new topics and collaborations, presents Advisory Committee and Subcommittees, introduces the organization's staff, includes relevant legislation, and describes NCJFCJ resolutions. Courtney, Mark E., and Joan Blakey. "Examination of the Impact of Increased Court Review on Permanency Outcomes for Abused and Neglected Children". Family Court Review 41, no. 4, 471 (October 2003). Training Guide: Resource Guidelines, Adoption and Permanency Guidelines, and Adoption and Safe Families Act. Reno, NV: National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, Permanency Planning for Children Department (2002). (KF545 .T73 2002) CASA-Court Appointed Special Advocates National Association of Child Advocates . National Court Appointed Special Advocate Association. Child Abuse and Neglect Generally Child Abuse and Neglect Statistics. Child Welfare Information Gateway. The site provides information regarding state, national, and international data and statistics on the incidence of, fatalities due to, and estimated costs of abuse and neglect. Child Abuse: General Resources. Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse Electronic Clearinghouse. This clearinghouse will link you to a host of agencies that provide information and resources on child abuse. Major Federal Legislation Concerned with Child Protection, Child Welfare, and Adoption. National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect. This article provides information on legislation in the subject area of child protection, welfare, and adoption through background information and the discussion of important laws and legal actions in the field. Standards of Practice. Association of Family and Conciliation Courts. Provides links to standards for attorneys who represent children, child custody evaluation standards, supervised visitation practice, etc. State Laws Related to Child Abuse and Neglect. National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect. Website provides resources on federal and state laws related to child abuse and neglect. State Statutes Search. Child Welfare Information Gateway. Search State statutes for issues related to child abuse and neglect, child welfare, and adoption Statutes-at-a-Glance: Definitions of Child Abuse and Neglect. National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect. This article explains important definitions of child abuse and neglect through defining types of abuse, standards for reporting abuse, persons responsible for the child, and exceptions to reporting legislation. Herman, Madelynn. "State-by-State Resources and Trends on Child Abuse". Family Violence Forum 3, no. 1 (Spring 2004). Olson, Kelly Browe. "Lessons Learned from a Child Protection Mediation Program". Family Court Review 41: 480 (October 2003). Child Welfare Waiver Demonstration Projects. Administration for Children and Families, Children`s Bureau. These demonstration projects involve the waiver of certain requirements of titles IV-B and IV-E, the sections of the Act that govern foster care, adoption assistance, independent living, child welfare services, community-based family support, family preservation, reunification and adoption promotion and support services, and related expenses for program administration, training and automated systems. Standards of Excellence in Child Welfare Services. Child Welfare League of America. Website explains goals of the CWLA Standards of Excellence for Child Welfare Services in the ongoing improvement of services for children and families, in the subject areas of adoption services, family foster care services, health care services for children in out-of-home care, management and governance of child welfare organizations, and services for abused or neglected children and their families, to name a few. Howell, James C., et al. "Integrating Child Welfare, Juvenile Justice, and Other Agencies in a Continuum of Services". Child Welfare League of America: 143 (March 2004). Mitchell, Hon. David B. "Building a Multidisciplinary, Collaborative Child Protection System: The Challenge to Law Schools". Family Court Review 41, no. 4: 432 (October 2003). Freeman, Marsha B. "Privatization of Child Protective Services -- Getting the Lion Back in the Cage?". Family Court Review 41, no. 4: 449 (October 2003). Litchfield, Melissa. "Empowering Families in Child Protection Cases: An Implementation Evaluation of Hawaii`s `Ohana Conferencing Program". Reno, NV: National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (2003). (KFH94.5 .E47) University of New Mexico, Institute of Public Law. New Mexico Child Welfare Handbook: A Legal Manual on Child Abuse and Neglect. (2003). (KFN3704.6 .N49 2003) Wiebush, Richard, Raelene Freitag, and Christopher Baird. Preventing Delinquency Through Improved Child Protective Services. OJJDP Juvenile Justice Bulletin (July 2001). Cochise County Interagency Protocol for Child Abuse. Cochise County, Arizona (June 1999). Website lays out the Cochise County's Interagency protocol, which includes information on the case's background/history, task force coordinator, investigation protocol, prosecution protocol, and victim's rights. Building Perspectives and Building Common Ground: A Report to Congress on Substance Abuse and Child Protection. Department of Health and Human Services, 1999 (1999). Document explores the connection between substance abuse and child maltreatment through discussion of the complexity of child and family needs, barriers to to quality service, service delivery models, and directions for the next step effort. Directory of Pro Bono Children`s Law. American Bar Association. A comprehensive resource of programs and services by state. Juvenile Court Dependency Benchbook. State of Oregon, Judicial Department. This website provides resources from the Juvenile Court Dependency Benchbook, including information on abuse and neglect, termination of parental rights, juvenile court adoptions, guardianships, emancipations, ICWA issues, and working with ORS, federal laws, and case laws. National Evaluation of the Court Improvement Program. Pal-Tech, Inc. in Virginia, The Urban Institute in Washington, D.C., and The Center for Policy Research in Denver are conducting a national evaluation of the Court Improvement Program. The three main components of the evaluation are: 1) identification and analysis of the CIP-funded court initiatives across the country, 2) identification and analysis of existing evaluations of family and juvenile court reforms, and 3) in-depth analysis of three models of CIP-supported reform initiatives. The three sites chosen for analysis are Connecticut's Case Management Protocol, Delaware's Systemic Reform, and Texas' Cluster Courts. Standards of Practice for Lawyers Representing Children in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases. ABA Center for Children and the Law. Nevada Court Improvement Project Re-Assessment Final Report. National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (June 2005). Minnesota Judge`s Juvenile Protection Benchbook. Minnesota State Court Administrator`s Office (December 2004). This online benchbook provides practical information for both judges as well as all child protection system stakeholders so that they are better able to comply with federal and state laws and to serve children and families involved in child protection court cases. The Benchbook is regularly updated to reflect revisions to federal and state statutes, rules, and case law. ABA Center for Children and the Law, National Center for State Courts, and the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. Building a Better Court: Measuring and Improving Court Performance and Judicial Workload in Child Abuse Cases. National Center for State Courts, 2004 (2004). Hardin, Mark, Barbara Smith, and Samia Dawud-Noursi. Improving State Courts` Performance in Child Protection Cases: Users Manual for Conducting Your Court Reassessment. National Child Welfare Resource Center for Judicial Issues, ABA Center for Children and the Law (2004). Document includes information on re-assessing foster care and adoption litigation, intensive site evaluations, and analysis of data collected on the subject. Condie, Lois Oberlander. Parenting Evaluations for the Court: Care and Protection Matters. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers (2003). (KF505.5 .C66 2003) Conference of State Court Administrators, Courts, Children and Family Committee. Children and Families in Court: A Compendium of Programs, Practices and Resources in the State Courts. Denver, CO: National Center for State Courts (2002). (KF505.5 .C48) Conference of State Court Administrators, Courts, Children and Family Committee. Developing Coordinated Court Policies on Children and Family Issues in the Court. Denver, CO: National Center for State Courts, Court Consulting Services (2002). (KF505.5 .D48) Osofsky, Joy D. Questions Every Judge and Lawyer Should Ask about Infants and Toddlers in the Child Welfare System. Reno, NV: National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (2002). (HV881 .Q44 2002) Survey of Proceedings Involving Children and Families: Report of Survey Results. Judicial Council of California (March 2001). Making the Court System Work Better for Children: 25 Things Your Court Can Do. Center for Families, Children and the Courts (January 2001). Flango, Victor E. Measuring Progress in Improving Court Processing of Child Abuse and Neglect Cases. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage (2001). (KF547 .F59 2001) Rubio, Dawn Marie. Minnesota Supreme Court State Court Administrator`s Office Evaluation Data: Open Hearings and Court Records in Juvenile Protection Matters. Denver, CO: National Center for State Courts, Court Services Division (2001). (KFM5996 .M56) Family Court Performance Standards and Measures. Adopted by the Family Court of the State of Delaware (1999). Delaware took the Trial Court Performance Standards and adopted them to family court (which has juvenile court jurisdiction in Delaware). Resource Guidelines: Improving Court Practice in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases. Reno, NV: National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (1995). Document addresses a variety of issues concerned with child abuse and neglect court proceedings, including general issues, preliminary protective hearings, adjudication hearings, disposition hearings, permanency planning hearings, termination of parental rights hearings, and adoption hearings Foster Care in the Next Century. Child Welfare League of America. Expounds on the status of foster care in the next century with special attention paid to responding to the need for change "Meeting the Challenge of Contemporary Foster Care". The Future of Children Web site. The website provides information on the contemporary foster care system including major challenges, the experience of foster care, and ensuring safe, stable, and supportive homes for children. Somerlot, Doug, and Maureen Conner. A National Curriculum for Caseflow Management in Juvenile Dependency Cases Involving Foster Care. JERRIT (March 2005). Pew Commission on Foster Care Releases Sweeping Recommendations to Overhaul Nation`s Foster Care System. The Pew Commission on Children in Foster Care Press Release (May 2004). Report presents information from Pew Commission's study of federal financing and court oversight of nation's foster care system. McDonald, Jess, Nancy Salyers, and Michael Shaver. The Foster Care Straightjacket: Innovation, Federal Financing, and Accountability in State Foster Care Reform. Fostering Results (March 2004). This article explains issues associated with national foster care reform, including welfare performance and state accountability, states which fall short of national standards, inflexible federal financial barriers to reform, the use of federal waivers as a reform tool, and state improvement through flexible funding. Foster Care National Statistics. Administration for Children and Families (2003). Report focuses on statistical trends within nation's foster care organizations, including placement statistics, descriptive information on foster care participants, and other information such as reentries, abuse by foster parents, and cost of the system. Deihl, Regina M. Caregivers and the Courts: Improving Court Decisions Affecting Children in Foster Care. San Francisco: Center for Families, Children and the Courts, Administrative Office of the Courts (2002). (KFC134 .D45 2002) Litchfield, Melissa. Improving Educational Outcomes for Youth in Foster Care: Perspectives from Judges and Program Specialists. Reno, NV: National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, Permanency Planning for Children Department (2002). (LC3981 .L58 2002) Final Report to Assess the Court Handling of Child Abuse, Neglect, Foster Care and Termination of Parental Rights in the Anytown Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court. Virginia Court Improvement Program (2000). (KFV2504.6 .F56) Buckingham, Sharon. Florida`s Foster Care Citizen Review Programs: An Overview and Analysis of the Foster Care Citizen Review Process in the State of Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Office of the State Courts Administrator, Legal Affairs and Education Department (1999). (KFF104.6 .B83 1999) ABA Center for Children and the Law. American Public Human Services Association. Center for Children in the Courts at the Judicial Council of California. Child Welfare League of America. Department of Health and Human Services. National Association for Counsel of Children. National Association of Child Advocates. National Association of Foster Care Reviews. National Center for Prosecution of Child Abuse. National Clearinghouse on Families and Youth. National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. National Court Appointed Special Advocate Association. National Indian Child Welfare Association. National Law Center for Children and Families. The Administration for Children and Families. Promising Practices/Model Courts Strengthening Abuse and Neglect Courts Act or SANCA. National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. Mitchell, David B. A Snapshot of the Child Victims Act Model Courts Project Status Report 2002. Reno, NV: Permanency Planning for Children Project, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (2003). (KF9323 .C45) (published annually) California Administrative Office of the Courts. Effective Management of Child Neglect Cases Involving Substance Abuse: Final Report, April 30, 2001. San Francisco: Administrative Office of the Courts (2001). (KFC1121.5 .E33 2001) Bailey, Christine S. Child Victims Act Model Courts Project Status Report, 1999. Reno, NV: Permanency Planning for Children Project, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (January 2000). (KF9323 .C45 1999) Mentaberry, Mary. "Model Courts Serve Abused and Neglected Children". OJJDP Fact Sheet (January 1999). Article provides information on the collaboration effort between the OJJDP and the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges in creating the Model Courts initiative to aid child victims. "What Works". National Center for Resource Family Support, Casey Family Programs (1999). Promising practices are identified for family preservation and reunification, independent living, teen pregnancy prevention, and family foster care. Kumpfer, Karol L., and Rose Alvarado. "Effective Family Strengthening Interventions". OJJDP Juvenile Justice Bulletin (November 1998). The OJJDP's effort to reverse trends of increased delinquency and violence among adolescents is explained in this article, with information on the organization's attempts to focus on the family, strengthen America's family initiative, the need for effective prevention programs, the search for effective family interventions, effective program types, and recommended future research. Kumpfer, Karol L., and Rose Alvarado. "Effective Family Strengthening Interventions". (November 1998). The OJJDP's effort to reverse trends of increased delinquency and violence among adolescents is explained in this article, with information on the organization's attempts to focus on the family, strengthen America's family initiative, the need for effective prevention programs, the search for effective family interventions, effective program types, and recommended future research. Dobbin, Shirley A. Child Abuse and Neglect Cases: Representation as a Critical Component of Effective Practice. Reno, NV: National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (1998). (KF9323 .D63) Dobbin, Shirley A. Information Management: A Critical Component of Good Practice in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases. Reno, NV: Permanency Planning for Children Project, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (1998). Explanation for the Decline in Child Sexual Abuse Cases. OJJDP Juvenile Justice Bulletin (January 2004). Website provides information about the current decline in child sexual abuse cases with attention paid to the study's key findings, evidence for decline, explanations for the decline, and conclusions. Improving Tribal/Federal Prosecution of Child Abuse Cases Through Agency Cooperation. Office for Victims of Crime Bulletin, US Department of Justice (September 1999). This bulletin presents basic information for improving the cooperation between Tribal and Federal agencies in handling child sexual abuse cases. It describes how close cooperation between Tribal and Federal law enforcement agencies will ensure effective investigation and prosecution of child abuse cases. Faller, Kathleen Coulborn. Interviewing for Child Sexual Abuse: A Forensic Guide [video recording]. New York: Guilford Publications, 1998 (1998). (KF9323 .I57 1998) Faller, Kathleen Coulborn. Testifying about Child Sexual Abuse: A Courtroom Guide [video recording]. Los Altos, CA: Center for the Future of Children, David and Lucile Packard Foundation, 1998. Â New York, NY: Guilford (1998). (KF9323 .T47 1998) Child-Court List Group. American Bar Association. This listserv deals with children’s issues predominantly. To enroll in the child-court group send a message to saying: Subscribe child-court. Children`s Bureau Express. The Administration for Children & Families' informative e-newsletter designed for professionals concerned with child abuse and neglect, child welfare, and adoption. | ||||
Date Last Modified: 8/27/2007 | ||||
Creation Date: 2004 |
The line has been drawn and we are at war. We are the people and we are at war with the majority of Voters allowing America to be taken over by government employees and representatives. One forth Of the population now controls USA. They know all they have to do is convince half the voting public to take control.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Subdivision 1. Care, examination, or treatment. (a) Except where parental rights are
(1) whenever legal custody of a child is transferred by the court to a responsible social
services agency,
(2) whenever legal custody is transferred to a person other than the responsible social
services agency, but under the supervision of the responsible social services agency, or
(3) whenever a child is given physical or mental examinations or treatment under order of
the court, and no provision is otherwise made by law for payment for the care, examination, or
treatment of the child, these costs are a charge upon the welfare funds of the county in which
proceedings are held upon certification of the judge of juvenile court.
(b) The court shall order, and the responsible social services agency shall require, the
parents or custodian of a child, while the child is under the age of 18, to use the total income
and resources attributable to the child for the period of care, examination, or treatment, except
for clothing and personal needs allowance as provided in section 256B.35, to reimburse the
county for the cost of care, examination, or treatment. Income and resources attributable to the
child include, but are not limited to, Social Security benefits, supplemental security income
(SSI), veterans benefits, railroad retirement benefits and child support. When the child is over
the age of 18, and continues to receive care, examination, or treatment, the court shall order, and
the responsible social services agency shall require, reimbursement from the child for the cost
of care, examination, or treatment from the income and resources attributable to the child less
the clothing and personal needs allowance.
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The Child Protection Process
The Child Protection Process
On this page:
Flow Chart: "From-Petition-to-Permanency"
Child Protection Timeline
Federal Guidelines
Flow Chart: Child Protection Process"From-Petition-to-Permanency"
Minnesota Statutes (Chapter 260C) and Rules of Juvenile Protection Procedure establish a sequence of events and timeframes that should be followed for every child protection case in Minnesota. Click below to view a flow chart depicting the events and timeframes.
Child Protection Flow Chart Part I (Adobe PDF)
Child Protection Flow Chart Part II(Adobe PDF)
Child Protection Timeline
Minnesota Statutes and Juvenile Protection Rules establish certain timelines that must be met during the course of a child protection case. Click below for an at-a-glance list of the timelines.
Federal Guidelines
In 1995, in response to a number of federal laws dealing with improving practice in child protection cases that had been enacted beginning in 1980, the National Council of Family and Juvenile Court Judges (NCJFCJ) published a best practices manual entitled "Resource Guidelines: Improving Court Practice in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases." The purpose of the Resource Guidelines is to "set forth the essential elements of properly conducted court hearings." The Resource Guidelines also "describe the requirements of juvenile protection courts in fulfilling the role placed upon them as a result of the federal and state laws."
The Resource Guidelines manual is available at:
In 2000, the NCJFCJ published a second manual entitled "Adoption and Permanency Guidelines: Improving Court Practice in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases." Building upon the foundation of the Resource Guidelines, the purpose of theAdoption and Permanency Guidelines is to "set forth the essential elements of best practice for the court processes that lead to a permanent home for children who cannot be reunified with their families."
The Adoption and Permanency Guidelines manual is available at:
Minnesota's Rules of Juvenile Protection Procedure are based upon the principles of the Resource Guidelines and the Adoption and Permanency Guidelines.
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